A Legacy Inspired by the Life of

Bethany Wake

31.3.1995 – 5.3.2011

What is

BE Blessings?

BE Blessings is the ministry God has given Lynda and the Wake family as they now support and encourage others who are suffering and bereaved. Bethany’s merciful heart continues to sing out an invitation to become part of a growing number of people who realise we are blessed by God to BE Blessings– even in the midst of personal suffering, agonising losses and life-changing challenges.

‘B’ is for Bethany, but also represents what we are all called to BE in the world – Blessings!

BE Blogs

BE Bravehearted!

On International Women’s Day, which is celebrated each year around the world on 8 March, I happened to listen to…

Kalite: a Ni-Vanuatu man after God's own heart

Sometimes the heartbreakingly beautiful ripples of our own stories circle back to drench us with refreshing waves of Christ’s Living…

Remembering Oscar Romero 24 March Feast Day

A Future Not Our Own[1] A poem/prayer in memory of Oscar Romero (1917–1980) It helps now and then to step…

Bethany’s Blue Box

Bethany was devoted to helping the poor and disadvantaged. She was particularly burdened for young women living as outcasts in their communities, due to a preventable and treatable condition called obstetric fistula. She dreamed of becoming a midwife to personally make a difference.

As a young teenager Bethany began to fundraise and create awareness, even as she battled debilitating terminal brain cancer. During this time, Bethany’s Blue Box was filled by family and friends so she could continue to give generously. Her legacy continues as many people, inspired by her passion to make a difference, bless others by keeping Bethany’s Blue Box full!

Lynda Wake - Author

Lynda Wake holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theology through Tabor Adelaide, South Australia. Together with her husband, David, Lynda has served with Wycliffe Australia, based in Melbourne, since 1998. Along with their four children, they have supported the global Bible translation movement by offering practical and pastoral care throughout the Pacific region and outback Australia. After the heartbreaking loss of their teenage daughter Bethany, in 2011, Lynda’s passion to see all people have the opportunity to become disciples of Jesus through the transformative gift of Scriptures in local heart-languages has strengthened and multiplied. Lynda is a devotional writer for Wycliffe Today, and author of the award-winning Heartbreakingly Beautiful1 – a hope-filled journal inspired by the life of Bethany Wake. Her new book, Waiting Well With Jesus, is also a 52-week devotional resource that offers tender companionship and strength for the journey through various heartbreaks to faith-filled hope. Lynda has spoken and ministered throughout the globe in her role with Wycliffe, and as an ambassador for CBM (Christian Blind Mission) on behalf of Bethany’s legacy that offers support to the most vulnerable. A portion of the sales of both books will be donated to help keep Bethany’s dreams alive.

I will bless you and you will be a blessing… Genesis 12:1

BE Resourced

Heartbreakingly Beautiful is a 52-week devotional journey of hope, inspired by the life of Bethany Wake.

BE Supported

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