Recently, we looked at Romans 8 as one of the ‘jewels in the crown’ of Scripture. Countless people through the ages have found great encouragement in seasons of suffering through this portion of Paul’s ancient letter. As I reveal in this second part of my conversation with God, while meditating on Romans 8, I too have received some wonderful courage to go on and it is my hope that you will also. Please feel free to open your Bible to this precious passage and join me…
Lord, I am beginning to understand more and more that I have to wait.. but the weight in the wait is so heavy! All I can do is pray – but I don’t know how to pray and I don’t always have the strength and even the desire to…
My Spirit helps you in your weakness and intercedes for you, according to My will, with groans that words alone cannot express.
Ahh… thank You Papa… I need You! Much of life is difficult and sad and does not make sense to me, but I choose to trust You…
In ALL things I am working for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose – that is you, My daughter!
I am overwhelmed Lord… please keep speaking…
I know you. You are destined to become like My Son Jesus. I have called you. I have made you right with Me through His sacrifice and you share in His glory…
What can I say? This is all too wonderful for me to comprehend!
I am for you. I am not against you. I did not spare even My Son for you – I long to graciously give you all things!
WOW! How can I ever express my gratitude? Your Son traded places with me, taking on my short-comings, suffering and shame. Now no charges can be brought against me! Your Son is interceding on my behalf before Your throne… I am undone…
NOTHING can separate you from My love daughter – do you hear Me? NOTHING!
I know this Lord but I can feel separated from Your love when I face trouble, hardship, persecution, lack of provision, shame and dangers of all kinds. At times I do wonder where You are and if You still care…
As you prevail through all this brokenness, you can be more than victorious through the power of My love. NOTHING in all of creation can separate you from My love dear one. The revelation of My love is in the cross and resurrection of My Son – believe and live My child!