This week we have been exploring the idea that there is much treasure to be unearthed as we journey through times of hardship. Mostly, this treasure is found on our hands and knees! If you would like to dig deeper this week and discover some more exquisite, lasting treasure, please check out some more clues in the ‘Treasure Map’: Matthew 6:19-34; Matthew 13:44-45; 2 Corinthians 4:7 and Ephesians 3:8 are just some to get you started.
Psalm 119:162 is another precious pearl found tucked away in our ‘Psalm of the Week’. This is one I have taken as a life verse…
‘I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.’
The discovery of the truth and power of the Word of God in the midst of our circumstances was, and continues to be, the most significant treasure revealed in the ‘cave of sorrow’. I am extremely grateful for this gift and the joy of this discovery spurs me on to keep sharing His Word with you. It also keeps me desperately hunting for more life-giving gems!
I rediscovered this life-altering jewel recently, written by the apostle Paul to the Colossians in chapter 2:2-3. Interestingly the latter part of the verse is Beth’s ‘school motto’ and it kind of sums it up for me this whole treasure hunting concept – I think it also sums up Beth’s attitude in wanting to share all her treasures with you through ‘Heartbreakingly Beautiful’…
“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
The cry of Beth’s heart as she thought about other pilgrims suffering in similar ways was something like this: “BE Treasure Hunters! If you are feeling swallowed up in the darkness, remember there is Light at the end of the tunnel. You have the choice to dig into God’s Word, open up your broken heart and find Jesus – the REAL treasure of your life!”
Letter to my Beth…
“Beth, although the phrase, ‘diamonds in the rough’ has been widely used, I agree that it would have made a good title for your book! Your whole story and devotional book are all about those treasures we’ve discovered in the darkness – the valuable diamonds hidden in the rough – those precious things revealed only through pain. While we discovered many treasures together, the whole process of mining for treasure was refining in itself and many of our rough bits were knocked off. You allowed yourself to be ‘cut and polished’ and you shined as only a precious diamond can! Beth, you often described your ordeal as “going through a bit of a rough time”. What a complete understatement, yet you put it in perspective far better than I could at the time. Not only did you reflect the light of Jesus in the various facets of your life, but you also constantly looked for the value in all of us who are still in our rough stage. Beth, you considered each person in your life intrinsically worthwhile and you looked past the dirt to see the beauty. You continue to shine for me in so many ways, shedding light on the way for my heart to follow – thank you daughter. May I BE a treasure hunter like you my love – mining, discovering, reinvesting and gloriously shining ‘The Treasure’ for the world to see!”
With love forever from your Mummy- ‘diamond-in-the-rough’!
A song to encourage you:
Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer by Keith & Kristyn Getty
A book to build you up:
Your Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic
Nick was born without limbs. After fighting depression as a boy, he had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ and now views his condition as a privilege that has enabled him to discover many rich eternal treasures – treasures he now inspirationally shares with others. Beth met Nick when he spoke at her school – he was one of her heroes.
Quote to inspire you:
Beth Moore on ‘reinvesting the plunder of treasure’ (that has been taken from the enemy) into the Kingdom of God…
“When God delivers His children, they never have to escape by the skin of their teeth! The Israelites were impoverished slaves, but when God delivered them they left with the riches of the Egyptians…What about you? Did you come out of your Egypt, your time of slavery, with plunder from your enemy? … He wants to bring us out of our times of captivity with possessions! … Let God bring you forth from your time of slavery with gold, silver, and costly stones … the Israelites reinvested the plunder by offering it back to God–a God who can take a few simple fish and loaves and multiply them to feed thousands, a God of awesome returns. How can a person reinvest the plunder she or he brings out of captivity? Have you already had an opportunity to offer your plunder to God as reinvestment and see Him bring greater returns? (Breaking Free, pp. 261-262).